Below, you will find some venues where I have facilitated conversations.

whereSteve Piscitelli


•    Calhoun Community College (two keynote presentations and one new faculty workshop facilitation)
•    Trenholm State Technical College (keynote for faculty training).

•    Arkansas State University (Jonesboro)— facilitator for a day-long retreat (2010; 2014)
•    Cossatot Community College-The University of Arkansas - (keynote and facilitator for day-long training)
•    Student Success Symposium, University of Central Arkansas
•    Educational Frontiers Group Higher Education Retreat (co-developed and delivered a statewide retreat for Arkansas college and university faculty)

•    Innovations Conference 2017 (League of Innovation, San Francisco)
•    Cal Tech Tutor Program (video training call)
•    California State University at Bakersfield

•    Ana G. Menendez University System, Orlando  (keynote)
•    Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry  (keynote)
•    Daytona State College
•    Edison State College, Ft. Myers (2-day program on engaging first-year students)
•    Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University--keynote
•    Florida Community College at Jacksonville , Student Choices program
•    Florida Community College at Jacksonville Honor Students Colloquia
•    Florida Community College at Jacksonville (student success faculty)
•    Florida Community College at Jacksonville student tutors
•    Florida State College at Jacksonville--Keynote for the annual Adjunct Convocation (2013; 2014)
•    Florida State College at Jacksonville--Keynote Address for the Early College Class of 2015
•    Florida State College at Jacksonville--Keynote Address for the First Annual Student Success Conference
•    Florida State College at Jacksonville (North Campus) - Academic Discussions presentation
•    Florida State College at Jacksonville--Minority Males Success Initiative keynote
•    Florida State College at Jacksonville--Pathways Academy
•    Florida State College at Jacksonville--Take Stock in Children keynote
•    Florida State College at Jacksonville--Upward Bound Program
•    Team Ain't a Four-letter Word - Jacksonville, Florida high school and middle school teachers (team building)
•    Keiser College, Ft. Lauderdale Campus
•    Keiser College, Tallahassee Campus
•    Keiser College, Sarasota Campus
•    Lynn University - Visiting Scholar-in-Residence
•    Northeast Florida Teachers of English as a Second Language Mini-Conference
•    Polk Community College Faculty Workshop
•    Polk State College New Faculty Workshop
•    Saint Petersburg College.
•    Southern Career College- keynote and training
•    Tallahassee Community College (In-service training for Choices for College Success)
•    University of North Florida student tutors
•    University of St Augustine for Health Sciences

•    University of Illinois - staff development + program for student leaders
•    Highlands Community College Upward Bound Program - keynote and retreat facilitator

•    Louisiana State University-Alexandria. Convocation keynote + faculty workshop

•    Maryland Association of Private Colleges and Career Schools - keynote
•    Thomson Publishers Faculty Symposium - keynote

•    Northern Essex Community College - faculty convocation keynote.

•    Davenport University--keynote on retention and a concurrent session on life choices.
•    Ferris State University -- keynote and facilitation for university Retention Summit

•    Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College - keynote and training
•    Tylertown , Mississippi public schools (secondary teachers)

New Jersey
•    William Patterson University

New Mexico
•    Moran Lecture Series/In-service County Education sponsored by New Mexico Junior College - keynote on how to teach critical thinking

North Carolina
•    Pitt Community College , Greenville (student presentation on life success)
•    Wake Technical Community College (Keynote for faculty development)
•    Wake Technical Community College (Full-day workshop for faculty of the Health Sciences Division)

•    Oklahoma State University (student success faculty)

•     Portland Community College (Dual Credit Symposium Keynote speaker)

•    Community College of Allegheny County (keynote and facilitation)
•    The Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators

South Carolina
•    Coastal Carolina University (student success faculty)
•    Spartanburg Technical College Faculty Leadership Program

South Dakota
•    Sitting Bull College (student summit keynote)

•    Houston Baptist University (two keynotes and workshop facilitation)
•    San Jacinto College. Houston (full-day leadership academy facilitator)
•    San Jacinto College. Houston  (1/2 day developmental education faculty training facilitator)
•    San Jacinto College (Faculty convocation keynote; discipline enrichment sessions for Science, Math, History, and English Departments)
•    South Texas College. McAllen, Texas (student success faculty)

Western Wyoming Community College (facilitated collaborative session on developing the TOTAL student. Location: Flaming Gorge, Utah).

•    Charlotte County Public School System (faculty development)
•    Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA). (Faculty Convocation Keynote)
•    Southside Virginia Community College , Alberta Campus

•    Wyoming Student Affairs Conference (Keynote and workshop)Steve Piscitelli


•    Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) and the National Conference on Allied Health Education (FL. NV)
•    American Mathematical Association for Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC)--featured speaker (FL)
•    Arkansas Association for Developmental Education (ArkADE) - keynote (2x: 2010 and 2013)
•    California Association of Private and Post-Secondary Schools
•    Cengage Learning – keynote (CA. FL. NV.TX)
•    College Reading and Learning Association (CA. OH. MO. UT)
•    Conference on the First-Year Experience sponsored by the National Resource Center, University of South Carolina
     (AZ. CA. CO. FL. GA. TX)
•    Educational Frontiers Group Faculty Retreat to Build a Community for Student Success (Co-founder and Coach) (AR)
•    First Annual Collegiate High School Summit ( Polk Community College ) (FL)
•    Florida Association of Community Colleges—Student Development Commission
•    Florida Association of Postsecondary Schools and Colleges - keynote
•    Florida Junior Community Colleges Student Government Association Conference-keynote (FL)
•    Inspiring Change: Student Success Forum (Pearson Education) (D.C. IL. TX)  Click here to see the video.
•    International Conference on College Teaching and Learning - featured speaker (FL)
•    League for Innovation (Innovations Conference) (CA)
•    Maryland Association of Private Colleges and Career Schools - keynote
•    Mathematics Teaching Solutions Workshop sponsored by Thomson Brooks/Cole – keynote (LA. SC)
•    Mississippi Association for Developmental Education (MADE) - keynote and training
•    National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP)--Keynote (FL)
•    National Association for Developmental Education. Preconference facilitator and Concurrent Session facilitator
     (D.C. FL. MA. OH. SC. TN. TX)
•    National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development - featured speaker (TX)
•    North Florida Writers Group
•    Northeast Florida Teachers of English as a Second Language Mini-Conference
•    Thomson Publishers Faculty Symposium – keynote (MD)
•    Pearson National Forum on Student Success - featured speaker (CA. IL. LA)
•    Pearson Prentice Hall National Sales Meeting (AZ)
•    Ruffalo Noel Levitz National Conference on Student Recruitment, Marketing, and Retention-keynote and concurrent sessions
     (CO. FL. GA. IL. LA. MA)
•    Students in Transition Annual Conference sponsored by the National Resource Center, University of South Carolina (MO)
•    Teaching Academic Survival Skills Conference–keynote (FL)
•    Teaching and Learning Conference, Ashland Community College (KY)
•    Teresa Farnum and Associates Workshop on Retention - featured speaker (CO)
•    The Colorado Private School Association - keynote
•    The Florida Department of Education, Achieving the Dream--Connections 2007 Conference - keynote
•    The Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators
•    Virginia Community College Association—keynote
•    Virginia Master Teacher Seminar
•    Wyoming Student Affairs Conference (keynote and breakout session facilitation)Steve Piscitelli


•    Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry-keynote (FL)
•    Celebrating Possibilities— keynote
•    Child Guidance Center Quarterly meeting–keynote (FL)
•    City of Jacksonville , Department of Community Services (FL)
•    Innovative Educators--shot two videos for student success (well-being; training tutors) (CO)
•    International Facility Managers Associate (Jacksonville Chapter)--keynote for their Professional Development Forum (FL) (2016 and 2017)
•    International Facility Managers Associate (Facility Fusion Power Speaker. Las Vegas and Toronto, 2017)
•    Kiwanis International. Atlantic Beach, Florida. August 2020.

•    Jacksonville Harmony Chorus Annual Show - Master of Ceremonies (FL)
•    Legacy of Care Free Health Care Annual Gala–keynote (FL)
•    Northeast Florida Association of Realtors
•    Oceanside Rotary Club. Atlantic Beach, Atlantic Beach, Florida. June 2020
•    Raines High School GEAR UP Program (FL)

•    Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless (FL)
•    Take Stock in Children (Duval)-keynote (FL)
•    Therapy Animal Coalition. 2020 Animal Expo. March 2020
•    Wells Fargo Northeast Florida management team (FL)
•    FDLRS Institute. Keynote address for the 2017 Conference in Lake Buena Vista, FL. November 14, 2017.

Steve Piscitelli

Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli

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Steve is not a life coach and does not provide legal advice. He facilitates conversations and helps your teams raise and confront important questions about what they do, why they do it, and how they do it.