Welcome to the podcast space for The Growth and Resilience Network®.
The underlying theme of these podcasts reflects the importance of professional and personal growth and resilience. You have three ways to access the podcasts:
1. Click here to go to my podcast channel (https://piscitellipodcasts.libsyn.com/).
2. OR Go to Apple Podcasts.(https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/growth-resilience-steve-piscitelli/id1033281375?mt=2).
3. OR Click on the links below. These will take you to the same presentations as above--but with a few images of my guests.
Episode #1: Powerful (Mindful) Preparation. Powerful Presentation
Guest: Entertainer and songwriter Mike "Shack" Shackelford (June 2015)
Episode #2: Transformational Leadership (Part 1)
Guest: Dr. John Wall (July 2015)
Episode #3: Transformational Leadership (Part 2)
Guest: Dr. John Wall (July 2015)
Episode #4. Creativity (Part 1): Listening to the Internal Dialogue
Guest: Songwriter and visual artist Shawn Eager (August 2015)
Episode #5. Creativity (Part 2): Seeking Inspiration & the Road to Your Heart
Guest: Songwriter and visual artist Shawn Eager (August 2015)
Episode #6: Balancing Career and Life: A Working Mother's Perspective
Guest: Business woman Katie Mahan (September 2015)
Episode #7. Resilience: Thriving in the Thin Place
Guest: The Reverend Don R. Lynn (October 2015)
Episode #8. Inspiration and the Potential to Make a Difference
Guest: Award-winning reporter Matt Soergel (November 2015)
Episode #9. Physical Fitness and Mental Discipline
Guest: Charles Bailey, personal trainer (December 2015)
Episode #10. Personal Growth and Resilience Through Personal Challenges
Guest: Eileen Crawford, LMHS (January 2016)
Episode #11. Career-Balance: A Working DAD's Perspective
Guest: Brian Crawford, businessman (February 2016)
Episode #12. Entrepreneurship: The Art of Intentionality, Growth and Resilience
Guest: CEO Pepper Lindsey of Lindsey Films (www.lindseyfilms.com) (March 2016)
Episode #13. Children FACE Their Future with Resilience
Guest: Kirk Farber, Executive Director of F.A.C.E. (www.face4kids.org) (April 2016)
Episode #14: Overcoming Adversity Among Disabled Clients with Prader-Willi Syndrome
Guests: The Arc of Alachua County (www.arcalachua.org) (May 2016)
Episode #15: Building Resilience for Ex-Offenders, Their Families, and Their Communities
Guest: Kevin Gay, CEO and President of Operation New Hope (www.operationnewhope.org/) (June 2016)
Episode #16: The Brucci's Conversations About Music and Resilience (recorded on location).
Guests include the musical host for the evening, Mike Shackelford and a number of performers and audience members. (July 2016)
Episode #17: Growth and Resilience Through Reflective Practice
Guests: Award-winning educators Emily Moore and Lori Dees from Wake Technical Community College (August 2016)
Episode #18: Children Are Homeless, Too
Guest: Maxine Engram, Program Manager for The Sulzbacher Center of Jacksonville, Florida (September 2016)
Episode #19: Living and Thriving with a Dual Sensory Impairment
Guest: Krista Waters (October 2016)
Episode #20: Life is Not About Me, It's About Others. (100 Years of Insight)
Guest: Centenarian Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne (November 15, 2016)
Episode #21: Resilience and the Media
Guest: Melissa Ross, radio host and producer ( December 15, 2016)
Episode #22: The Earth is Fine: We Have Work to Do
Guest: Adam Hoyles, scientist and environmental consultant (January 15, 2017)
Episode #23: Listent to Your Heart
Guest: Neil Dixon, singer-songwriter (February 15, 2017)
Episode #24: Women and Community Development: Don't Wait to be Asked
Guest: Chris Hoffman, City Council Member, Business Owner, and Executive Director (March 15, 2017)
Episode #25: Enhancing Life Through Sports and Recreation
Guest: Alice Krauss, Occupational Therapist and Program Manager (Brooks Adaptive Sports and Recreation) (April 15, 2017)
Episode #26: Middle School Resilience: Do We Build or Do We Mend?
Guest: John Louis Meeks, Jr., Middle School Teacher (May 15, 2017)
Episode #27: The GRN Second Anniversary Celebration: The GRN Second Anniversary Celebration
Guest: A retrospective from episodes over the last two years. (June 15, 2017)
Episode #28: In Their Own Voices: A Conversation with Student Leaders
Guests: Four 5th Grade Student Leaders from Atlantic Beach Elementary School (September 15, 2017)
Episode #29: In Their Own Voices: It Can Start with a Light Bulb. Student Accommodations and Activism
Guest: Elijah Armstrong, College Student and Advocate for Student Accommodations (October 15, 2017)
Episode #30: In Their Own Voices: Disabilities, Sports, Recreation, and Community
Guest: Four participants in the Brooks Adaptive Sports and Recreation program (November 15, 2017)
Episode #31: Art, Empowerment, and Resilience
Guest: Gary Mack, Artisit ( December 15, 2017)
Episode #32: A Conversation about Public Education
Guest: Mark Johnson, former educator and Steve Piscitelli (January 15, 2018)
Episode #33: Innovation Law: Protecting and Sharing Your Intellectual Property
Guests: Camille Wilson and Fernando Dutra, Attorneys at Law (February 15, 2018)
Episode #34: Promoting, Supporting, and Sustaining Local Music (March 15, 2018)
Guests: Music promoter Ray Lewis and singer songwriter Mike Shackelford
Episode #35: Confidence from the Inside Out While Hanging Upside Down: The Power of Pole Dancing
Guests: Entreprenuer and fitness guru, Shannon Baker Burbridge with Carol Cullen and Christie Loesch (April 15, 2018)
Sneak Peak #1: The Attraction, Challenge, and Magic of Pole Dancing (153 second teaser clip).
Sneak Peak #2: Feminine Energy (164 seconds teaser clip)
Sneak Peak #3: Pole Dancing + Confidence = Resilience
Episode #36: How Can You Heal the World?
Guest: Reverend Elizabeth (Liz) Teal (May 15, 2018)
Sneak Peak #1: Basics About Animal-Assisted Intervention
Sneak Peak #2: Be Mindful About Whom You Are Serving
Sneak Peak #3: Facilitate a Little Piece of Healing
Episode #37: The GRN Third Anniversary Celebration
Guests: A retrospective from episodes over the last twelve months. (June 15, 2018)
Episode #38: The World Needs More Improv
Guests: Improv artists and founders of Mad Cowford Improv Rachel Stromberg and Johnny K. (September 15, 2018)
Sneak Peak #1: Yes, and--The Basis of Improv
Sneak Peak #2: Improv and Flexibility
Sneak Peak #3: What Improv Teaches Us
Guests: Bobbi de Cordova-Hanks, Founder of Bosom of Buddies and Award-winning TV reporter and anchor Jeannie Blaylock (October 15, 2018)
Sneak Peak #1: The Importance of Mindset
Sneak Peak #2: Surviving and Thriving
Sneak Peak #3: The Echo of a Voice

Episode #40: Community as a Safe Place to Land (Relationships)
Guests: The Reverend Billy Hester of the Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church and Preston Hodges, Jr. (November 15, 2018)
Sneak Peak #1: The Importance of "I Don't Know"
Sneak Peak #2: Vulnerability and Growth
Sneak Peak #3: Connect and be Relevant
Episode #41: The People: A Community's Most Important Resource
Guests: Gloria Niec, Mary Pat Rosenthal, and Eileen Crawford-all from the Celebration Foundation (Celebration, FL) ( December 15, 2018)
Sneak Peak #1: Thriving In Place and Being Who You Want to Be
Sneak Peak #2: The Value of Coordinated and Consistent Volunteers
Sneak Peak #3: Lead by Listening
Episode #42: Helping a Village Finds Its Voice
Guests: George Maxey, Executive Director, New Town Success Zone (January 15, 2019)
Sneak Peak #1: What is the New Town Success Zone?
Sneak Peak #2: Building Trust
Sneak Peak #3: Building a Two-Generational Model
Episode #43: Trust as a Core Value (Relevance) (February 2019)
Guest: Ju' Coby Pittman, CEO/President, The Clara White Mission
Sneak Peak #1: Listen and Remain Relevant
Sneak Peak #2: Authentic Belief and Caring
Sneak Peak #3: Understanding Life Purpose
Episode #44: Mentors for Music, Hope, and Rainbows (March 2019)
Guests: Singer-Songwriters Mike Shackelford and Izzy Moon Mayforth
Sneak Peak #1: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Sneak Peak #2: Confidence Building
Sneak Peak #3: Replicating a Community Event
Episode #45: Someone Has to be the Grownup in the Room (Reflection) (April 2019)
Guests: Linda an Michael Lanier, Community Activits and Leaders
Sneak Peak #1: Truth to Power
Sneak Peak #2: Live the Mission
Sneak Peak #3: Kindness Over Righteousness
Episode #46: The Leaders of the Bands (May 15, 2019)
Guests:Eddie Cotton, John Mortensen, Roy Peak
Sneak Peak #1: The Leaders of the Bands: Connecting with the Audience
Sneak Peak #2: The Leaders of the Bands: Basic Business Principles
Sneak Peak #3: The Leaders of the Bands: Go Meet the Sound Man
Episode #47: The Leaders of the Bands (v. 2.0!) (June 15, 2019)
Guests:Mama Blue, Lauren Fincham, and Tamara Colonna
Sneak Peak #1: The Leaders of the Bands (v. 2.0!): Collaboration or Musical Disrespect
Sneak Peak #2: The Leaders of the Bands (v. 2.0!): Gender Dynamics in the Band
Sneak Peak #3: The Leaders of the Bands (v. 2.0!): Promoting Your Home Town Musicians
Episode #48: Connecting Community Resilience with Sustainable Home Ownership (September 30, 2019)
Guests:Curtis Ford and Mary Ann Christensen
Sneak Peak #1: Connecting Community Resilience with Sustainable Home Ownership: Building a Community Within a Community
Sneak Peak #2: Connecting Community Resilience with Sustainable Home Ownership: Sustainable Home Ownership and Financial Realities
Sneak Peak #3: Connecting Community Resilience with Sustainable Home Ownership: How Can A Community Help with Sustainable Housing?
Episode #49: Surviving the Death of a Child: Moving Forward, But Not On (November 15, 2019)
Guests: Abby Steele and Michael Steele
Sneak Peak #1: Surviving the Death of a Child: Moving Forward, But Not On (Reframing Thinking)
Sneak Peak #2: Surviving the Death of a Child: Moving Forward, But Not On (A Range of Emotions and Responses)
Sneak Peak #3: Surviving the Death of a Child: Moving Forward, But Not On (What Helps-What Does Not?)
Episode #50. Adoption: An Odyssey (January 15, 2020)
Guest: John Longbottom
Sneak Peak #1: Adoption: An Odyssey (From Joy to Stigma)
Sneak Peak #2: Adoption: An Odyssey (Genetic Bewilderment and Identity)
Sneak Peak #3: Adoption: An Odyssey (Finding Compassion for the Triad)
Bonus Episode: Compilation podcast of The Seven Rs for Purpose and Growth (January 2019)
See my book Community as Safe Place to Land (released in January 2019) for more on the 7 core values of resilience, relationships, resources, responsibility, relevance, rainbows, and reflection.
Please let me know what topics (under the growth and resilience umbrella) you would like for my guests and me to explore.
* Steve is not a life coach and does not provide legal advice. He facilitates conversations and helps your teams raise and confront important questions about what they do, why they do it, and how they do it.