Steve Piscitelli


Advocate for community resilience by helping community members create a safe place to explore, stretch, learn, fail, and grow.

Facilitate pragmatic conversations to help audiences raise awareness, challenge assumptions, and create actions about their environments.

Focus on the practical, not the theoretical.

Recognize you as "thought leaders" with valuable insights about your community.

Live the mantra: Life is too short to associate with negative people, pessimistic attitudes, and breaking news alerts.

Love where I live, who I live with, and what I do.

Have written fifteen (published) books, written and recorded two music CDs, written an upbeat blog (since May of 2010), produced a monthly podcast channel (for five years), and created original videos for my YouTube channel (for more than a decade). 

Take time to build authentic relationships rather than manipulative exchanges.

Visited (from 2018 to 2022) my community hospital, hospice center, local schools, and the Jacksonville International Airport as part of a nationally certified pet therapy team with my dog, Roxie (who released her first book in 2020).

Served my Atlantic Beach, Florida community as Vice Chairman of the Mayor's Council for Health and Wellbeing (2022).

Served on the Board of Directors for Beaches Watch (2019-2021) and the Beaches Watch Program Committee (2019-2022).

Am honored when an individual, community group, book club, or workplace team buys, discusses, shares, and learns from my writings.

Steve Piscitelli

Honors and Recognition:

Named (in 2015) one of the "Fabulous 50" at Florida State College at Jacksonville (a student-nominated recognition of "talented and dedicated faculty and staff."

I received special recognition in 2015 from Jacksonville University by adding my name to the list of "Alumni You Ought to Know."

Click here to view a more extended introduction of Steve.

* I am not a life coach and do not provide legal advice. I facilitate conversations and help your teams raise and confront important questions about what they do, why they do it, and how they do it.

Steve Piscitelli

Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli Steve Piscitelli

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Steve is not a life coach and does not provide legal advice. He facilitates conversations and helps your teams raise and confront important questions about what they do, why they do it, and how they do it.